Whiter than Rice

Friday, April 08, 2005

G. Y. Kim Part II

The greatest part about this is is that she loves to give us her instructions in English. Here's an example of it below:
The following diseases are your team homework that I will ask your team to present an oral and then turn in the team report with both disk and paper printed version. The contents of homework includes: (1) Frequency tables of symptoms/signs with range, mean, and epidemiological measurements of the risk of diseases, (2) Important epidemiological characteristics including age, gender, risk groups and risk/protection factors, (3) Most effective prevention/control strategies. The end of homework needs to have CONCLUSION and References.

I wish there was a team of college students presenting me with an oral too.

NOBODY in our class understands what the fuck she's trying to say, and I have come to this CONCLUSION:

What she's trying to say, and what she's saying, is completely different.

To top it off, everytime she gives us one of these far-fetched bullshit instructions, she likes to sign it with "C. C. Kim". (This is how baseball uniforms in Korea are printed) Remember how in the beginning I said last names are supposed to come first? Well, if you call somebody "Kim G. Y." in Taiwanese....

Let's just say that word rhymes with bunt and starts with a C.