GYK Part V
Engrish in it's full glory
Dear Medical and Dental Class Leaders and Students:
Since many diligent students asked questions this year, I used RED
COLOR words for the area student asked question to make sure one student's
question also can be understood by others in the PDF file name of Prevalence
and Incidence on the web tonight to help you out. As I mentioned, I prefer
each student understand and apply those epidemiological knowledge in patient
care, public health contribution and scientific discovery in the future.
Therefore, this attachment file has many examples to be added and even how
to calcuate person time as denominator and numerator. Even the questions that
I spent almost one hour to answer in details.
In addition, I used BOLD PHASE words for students to learn more efficiently
in order to grasp key points. The TA will prepare quantitative homework on
measurements such as direct and indirect age-adjustment rate and other
calcuations next week.
As I said that using COMMON NOTES by one person is NOT the good way to
study at top universities in the USA because it is LIVE and Death to each
health-care worker when infecitous disease epidemic of SARS occurs.
I prefer you to protect yourself. Therefore, we have a Team project to let
you practice from thinking pathway. Each group will present 10 minutes in
oral from the last three classes 17:30-18:00 and finally give me the term
paper and the computer disc.
Could class leader e-mail me the name of groups, group leader, group
members and topic to choose by this coming Friday. Then, you can work on this
weekend. The class leader can assign student who is familiar at specific
disease such as avian flu or SARs or tuberculosis so that you can learn from
classmates very well too. Let our learning process in this semester is a
very interesting one. THanks for ALL your strong supports to reach our
educational goals.
Could class leader e-mail me the name of groups, group leader, group
members and topic to choose by this coming Friday. Then, you can work on this
weekend. The class leader can assign student who is familiar at specific
disease such as avian flu or SARs or tuberculosis so that you can learn from
classmates very well too. Let our learning process in this semester is a
very interesting one. THanks for ALL your strong supports to reach our
educational goals.
The three TAs: TaiWei Wu, BaiShan (100 Good) Chiang, and ChuinShee (King's
stamp) Shan all have infectious disease epid. background in case you need
help. You can contact with them too. Once I know the group assignment and
group leaders, I can give you the TA to help you out too in case you have
My favourite part of this letter was when we got this, we were trying to form groups. Of course, it doesn't include HOW MANY PEOPLE PER GROUP. I read this thing like 8 fucking times.
Dear Medical and Dental Class Leaders and Students:
Since many diligent students asked questions this year, I used RED
COLOR words for the area student asked question to make sure one student's
question also can be understood by others in the PDF file name of Prevalence
and Incidence on the web tonight to help you out. As I mentioned, I prefer
each student understand and apply those epidemiological knowledge in patient
care, public health contribution and scientific discovery in the future.
Therefore, this attachment file has many examples to be added and even how
to calcuate person time as denominator and numerator. Even the questions that
I spent almost one hour to answer in details.
In addition, I used BOLD PHASE words for students to learn more efficiently
in order to grasp key points. The TA will prepare quantitative homework on
measurements such as direct and indirect age-adjustment rate and other
calcuations next week.
As I said that using COMMON NOTES by one person is NOT the good way to
study at top universities in the USA because it is LIVE and Death to each
health-care worker when infecitous disease epidemic of SARS occurs.
I prefer you to protect yourself. Therefore, we have a Team project to let
you practice from thinking pathway. Each group will present 10 minutes in
oral from the last three classes 17:30-18:00 and finally give me the term
paper and the computer disc.
Could class leader e-mail me the name of groups, group leader, group
members and topic to choose by this coming Friday. Then, you can work on this
weekend. The class leader can assign student who is familiar at specific
disease such as avian flu or SARs or tuberculosis so that you can learn from
classmates very well too. Let our learning process in this semester is a
very interesting one. THanks for ALL your strong supports to reach our
educational goals.
Could class leader e-mail me the name of groups, group leader, group
members and topic to choose by this coming Friday. Then, you can work on this
weekend. The class leader can assign student who is familiar at specific
disease such as avian flu or SARs or tuberculosis so that you can learn from
classmates very well too. Let our learning process in this semester is a
very interesting one. THanks for ALL your strong supports to reach our
educational goals.
The three TAs: TaiWei Wu, BaiShan (100 Good) Chiang, and ChuinShee (King's
stamp) Shan all have infectious disease epid. background in case you need
help. You can contact with them too. Once I know the group assignment and
group leaders, I can give you the TA to help you out too in case you have
My favourite part of this letter was when we got this, we were trying to form groups. Of course, it doesn't include HOW MANY PEOPLE PER GROUP. I read this thing like 8 fucking times.
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