Alias: I Wonder What the Writers are Smoking
Seriously, where can I get some?
The show is becoming SO UNREALISTIC that you could actually come up with enough reasons not to have relations with a character played by JENNIFER GARNER, who is at least 50 runs above replacement levels and has the added bonus of being "toolsy" and being able to play a different number of "roles".
If I were Vaughn, I would want NOTHING more to do with Sydney, for the simple reason that her family is WAY TOO FUCKED UP.
Let's see...
1) Sydney's aunt stabbed him in the back while he was torturing his ex-wife.
2) Sydney disappeared for 2 years.
3) Since 1978, he has lived with the belief that Sydney's mom, a KGB agent, killed his dad.
4) There is new evidence on the show that his dad died at the hand of Sydney's OTHER aunt, a rogue KGB agent, while saving Sydney's half sister's life.
5) Sydney's dad is an old school CIA agent whom probably doesn't like him and is suffering from radiation poisoning.
6) His boss murdered Sydney's first fiancee and her best friend and installed an evil twin in the latter's place.
That family has some issues.
The show is becoming SO UNREALISTIC that you could actually come up with enough reasons not to have relations with a character played by JENNIFER GARNER, who is at least 50 runs above replacement levels and has the added bonus of being "toolsy" and being able to play a different number of "roles".
If I were Vaughn, I would want NOTHING more to do with Sydney, for the simple reason that her family is WAY TOO FUCKED UP.
Let's see...
1) Sydney's aunt stabbed him in the back while he was torturing his ex-wife.
2) Sydney disappeared for 2 years.
3) Since 1978, he has lived with the belief that Sydney's mom, a KGB agent, killed his dad.
4) There is new evidence on the show that his dad died at the hand of Sydney's OTHER aunt, a rogue KGB agent, while saving Sydney's half sister's life.
5) Sydney's dad is an old school CIA agent whom probably doesn't like him and is suffering from radiation poisoning.
6) His boss murdered Sydney's first fiancee and her best friend and installed an evil twin in the latter's place.
That family has some issues.
1. If I were Vaughn, there's only really one thing I see Sydney good for... Yeah, you can probably guess.
2. Sydney's dad won't die, he can't. Everyone knows that he won't stay dead. I mean look at the endless undying cast of the show.
3. What the show needs is an Evil Marshall. Really, he could school every single person and they wouldn't know what hit them. (On a side note, he should've won that celebrity poker tournament against that Mena chick... she got lucky with that final hand)
4. If you saw the last episode, who didn't call the fact that that woman was actually evil and her necklace was a bug... Seriously.
5. Place your bets on who is really not dead and will be coming to an episode near you...
That's enough ranting for now...
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM
1. If I were Vaughn, there's only really one thing I see Sydney good for... Yeah, you can probably guess.
Emotional Support and Mutual Respect from a fellow intelligence officer?
I got nothin'
Ironcheffie, at 1:51 AM
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Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
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