Hey Kid, Fuck You and Your Stupid Dog
If I see another "Pet Report" on the news I will walk out into the streets of Taipei, find the first dog I see, and kick it 3 times in the nads. Hard.
I've already been burnt hard with the "You are Asian you would have eaten the dogs already" jokes. So Save it.
Yes, I would have eaten the dogs in a situation like this. Better to have some dog meat instead of starve to death or heaven for bid head down to a Wal-Mart and get shot by Troops defending the fall stock of Nikes.
Everytime I watch the news there's some calamity about "dogs being left behind" or "pets drowning" or "White boy cries about losing his dog."
F!@# your dog man.
People are dying.
Pets are only a burden on the situation, as they take water and food, water and food PEOPLE DON'T HAVE.
There are two types of dogs that should get to survive in this situation:
1) Guiding Dogs for the Blind
2) Police Dogs that can help for search and rescue.
Fluffy the Chihuahua?
I've already been burnt hard with the "You are Asian you would have eaten the dogs already" jokes. So Save it.
Yes, I would have eaten the dogs in a situation like this. Better to have some dog meat instead of starve to death or heaven for bid head down to a Wal-Mart and get shot by Troops defending the fall stock of Nikes.
Everytime I watch the news there's some calamity about "dogs being left behind" or "pets drowning" or "White boy cries about losing his dog."
F!@# your dog man.
People are dying.
Pets are only a burden on the situation, as they take water and food, water and food PEOPLE DON'T HAVE.
There are two types of dogs that should get to survive in this situation:
1) Guiding Dogs for the Blind
2) Police Dogs that can help for search and rescue.
Fluffy the Chihuahua?
mmm yummy.. hot dogs
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM
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Anonymous, at 9:46 AM
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