Man Charged After Urinating on Asian Woman
Where do these assholes come from
An Ann Arbor man could face charges of indecent exposure and other serious charges after he allegedly urinated on woman because she was Asian.
Police are calling it a case of ethnic intimidation after the 21-year-old man made derogatory statements to the Asian couple who were walking just a few blocks from the University of Michigan campus, then urinated on a woman.
I think it's just because the guy's never seen any Japanese Porno Movies. It's supposed to be the woman urinates on the man.
An Ann Arbor man could face charges of indecent exposure and other serious charges after he allegedly urinated on woman because she was Asian.
Police are calling it a case of ethnic intimidation after the 21-year-old man made derogatory statements to the Asian couple who were walking just a few blocks from the University of Michigan campus, then urinated on a woman.
I think it's just because the guy's never seen any Japanese Porno Movies. It's supposed to be the woman urinates on the man.
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Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
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