Actual Constructive Feedback!
This is from the "Kitsilano Class of 2004" Post when I was trying to figure out who'd be destroying my house when we rented out our house to my cousin:
I'm a sibling that is on your list, but I won't say who and hopefully you can't figure it out. As for those three names with question marks, they're all right. Leah's brother is Jonothan. And Buster Kruse is the youngest, so there will be no more of them. Jordan Dalziel is nicer than Spencer, definitely. And that award that Vaughn received? It was for soccer, not for being "Hindu", which the award's namesake wasn't. I hardly think they need to "ETHNICALLY ALIGN" the awards. They don't reward you on your ethnicity or whatever, they reward you for what you DO.
Thanks for the Feedback. I really appreciate it. I appreciate enough to engage you honestly and respond to your comments.
I'm a sibling that is on your list, but I won't say who and hopefully you can't figure it out.
I respect your wish to remain anonymous, but it's a clear sign that this blog of mine blows, because its readers don't want to be associated with reading it. Not that I blame them.
And Buster Kruse is the youngest, so there will be no more of them.
I'd like to elaborate on this point. There will be no more:
1) of THIS generation
2) that we know about.
I'd hate to plot Keta's Family History on her Admission note that's for sure.
Jordan Dalziel is nicer than Spencer, definitely.
A one liner that's snappy witty and insulting would be too easy in this situation. A one liner that's snappy, witty, insulting, AND the added stipulation of a mandatory AVIAN FLU reference? THAT my friends, is a literary puzzle.
Here's mine:
Yeah, like how SARS would have caused less deaths than the impending avian flu pandemic.
Not my best work I know.
I challenge YOU to this endeavour. I'll be expecting the clever witty responses soon.
And that award that Vaughn received? It was for soccer, not for being "Hindu", which the award's namesake wasn't. I hardly think they need to "ETHNICALLY ALIGN" the awards. They don't reward you on your ethnicity or whatever, they reward you for what you DO.
I think i need to reclarify my stance a little. This was not in anyway a shot at the winners of these prizes. I know for a fact that Vaughn is an excellent soccer player, not to mention a fine upstanding citizen of the Hindu community. There is no way I would slander Vaughn, a symbol of moral strength of the Hindu people, with vicious lies and insults.
The ethnic aligning thing was semi-tongue-in-cheek. I just felt that if we were going to recognize excellence, which all the winners are, we should have done it so that excellence of ethnicities could be emphasized. You know, give the Hindu Soccer award to the best Hindu soccer player, recognize that guy for his part for making the Hindu Soccer Community proud, and give Vaughn the award for best Whitebread Soccer player or something.
(I know the soccer award isnt' Hindu... just using it as an example)
If there's going to be a "Jewish War veterans" award that awards say Academic Excellence, then they should find the most deserving Jewish kid to give it to. Not because that kid is Jewish, but because he/she deserves to be recognized as a fine upstanding member of the Jewish Community.
Point: Have awards that specially awards excellence for certain minority groups, and then have the rest of the awards be a free-for-all.
I know I'm being semi-hypocratic as I'm saying this because my money was given to me in the name of some Cracker, but that was because they HAD to give it to me beacuse I was smarter than all you White fuckers. Not that the competition was tough or anything. You know, Peter Stein, Pride of the Caucasian Race and all.
I'm a sibling that is on your list, but I won't say who and hopefully you can't figure it out. As for those three names with question marks, they're all right. Leah's brother is Jonothan. And Buster Kruse is the youngest, so there will be no more of them. Jordan Dalziel is nicer than Spencer, definitely. And that award that Vaughn received? It was for soccer, not for being "Hindu", which the award's namesake wasn't. I hardly think they need to "ETHNICALLY ALIGN" the awards. They don't reward you on your ethnicity or whatever, they reward you for what you DO.
Thanks for the Feedback. I really appreciate it. I appreciate enough to engage you honestly and respond to your comments.
I'm a sibling that is on your list, but I won't say who and hopefully you can't figure it out.
I respect your wish to remain anonymous, but it's a clear sign that this blog of mine blows, because its readers don't want to be associated with reading it. Not that I blame them.
And Buster Kruse is the youngest, so there will be no more of them.
I'd like to elaborate on this point. There will be no more:
1) of THIS generation
2) that we know about.
I'd hate to plot Keta's Family History on her Admission note that's for sure.
Jordan Dalziel is nicer than Spencer, definitely.
A one liner that's snappy witty and insulting would be too easy in this situation. A one liner that's snappy, witty, insulting, AND the added stipulation of a mandatory AVIAN FLU reference? THAT my friends, is a literary puzzle.
Here's mine:
Yeah, like how SARS would have caused less deaths than the impending avian flu pandemic.
Not my best work I know.
I challenge YOU to this endeavour. I'll be expecting the clever witty responses soon.
And that award that Vaughn received? It was for soccer, not for being "Hindu", which the award's namesake wasn't. I hardly think they need to "ETHNICALLY ALIGN" the awards. They don't reward you on your ethnicity or whatever, they reward you for what you DO.
I think i need to reclarify my stance a little. This was not in anyway a shot at the winners of these prizes. I know for a fact that Vaughn is an excellent soccer player, not to mention a fine upstanding citizen of the Hindu community. There is no way I would slander Vaughn, a symbol of moral strength of the Hindu people, with vicious lies and insults.
The ethnic aligning thing was semi-tongue-in-cheek. I just felt that if we were going to recognize excellence, which all the winners are, we should have done it so that excellence of ethnicities could be emphasized. You know, give the Hindu Soccer award to the best Hindu soccer player, recognize that guy for his part for making the Hindu Soccer Community proud, and give Vaughn the award for best Whitebread Soccer player or something.
(I know the soccer award isnt' Hindu... just using it as an example)
If there's going to be a "Jewish War veterans" award that awards say Academic Excellence, then they should find the most deserving Jewish kid to give it to. Not because that kid is Jewish, but because he/she deserves to be recognized as a fine upstanding member of the Jewish Community.
Point: Have awards that specially awards excellence for certain minority groups, and then have the rest of the awards be a free-for-all.
I know I'm being semi-hypocratic as I'm saying this because my money was given to me in the name of some Cracker, but that was because they HAD to give it to me beacuse I was smarter than all you White fuckers. Not that the competition was tough or anything. You know, Peter Stein, Pride of the Caucasian Race and all.
I think you're right on track and not many people are willing to admit that they share your views. lost premier season is an AWESOME place to discuss LOST.
Anonymous, at 10:58 PM
Honestly, this blog does blow. No, I'm serious. Your rants about racism everywhere aren't clever, they're whiny and obnoxious and very unfunny -- not that rants about racism everywhere can't be clever and funny and insightful, but yours just aren't.
After suffering through about five such posts in a row that read like a Boondocks cartoon written by whoever inks The Family Circus, I'm left to conclude that you'd do better sticking to writing about, well, anything else. Don't you have papers to write in college or something?
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM
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Anonymous, at 9:48 AM
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