Despite What I'm Telling Them, They're Not Putting the Phone Down
Apparently, Crisp for Marte and Mota is still going down. Damn.
(Oh, this deal is contingent on Cleveland getting Michaels from Philly for RELIEVERS, so there's plenty of snark potential/Ed Wade Middle Relief/Ugie Urbina stabbing jokes)
Here's what I said about Crisp:
Coco Crisp would make me very happy. From all accounts, the man put up a +47 UZR at LF last year, and was originally a CF when he started out. (Apparently they moved him to LF because they like Sizemore at CF better). He can hit, and has decent power. His walkrate isn't as good as I'd like it to be, but he can hit doubles.
Here's Coco Crisp's numbers from the last couple of seasons:
Not exactly a terrific discipline guy (a BA heavy OBP), but his SLG is pretty good, and his EXB numbers are fantastic. He also has excellent speed on the basepaths. Oh, Jacob's was a pitcher's park.
I stand by that assesment. Also... wrt to that last poing with moving from Jacobs to Fenway...
From Therapy...
And here's much happier news. SG has superimposed Coco's home hit chart on Fenway's confines. By my count, that's 12 2B and 9 FO turned into HR. We're talking a 360/550 line for him. (Obviously, there are numerous other factors to consider.)
That's not bad news.
I really couldn't give a rats ass about Guillermo Mota. Totally crude analysis btw... but I think he's cooked.
2002: 60.7 - 91 *ERA+
2003: 105 - 204 *ERA+
2004: 63 (LA)- 193 *ERA+
33.7 (FLA) - 85 *ERA+
2005: 67 - 85 *ERA+
I know this is ridiculously bad analysis. I haven't even looked at his peripherals, GB/FB rate, or ANYTHING along those lines (I'm not at home... i'm on somebody else's computer, when I get back I'll at least take a more detailed look)...
but c'mon... that 2003 + 2004 workload, combined with a 2005 collapse (AFTER moving to Florida? Chavez Ravine was good for pitchers. Marlin Stadium is damn good for pitchers)?
So I really don't give a shit about him.
I'm still upset about giving up Marte though. I mean, he COULD be krap (Atlanta did trade him, and anybody Schulerholtz trades automatically becomes krap), but he's probably the best bat in the Red Sox system, and it would be a shame to lose him.
Also, this probably means that Kevin Youkilis will definitely start at one of the corner IF spots, and hit at the bottom of the order. I actually don't care where he hits in the order, but as long as he gets 500 ABs (and gets near a .376 OBP which is his career MLB OBP) I will be happy. Crisp/Loretta at the top of the order should get on base and score runs.
Also, We might sign Alex Gonzalez to play SS
His career OBP is .291. In other words, he's a bloody out machine. His career slg is .391, which means he has a little pop, but suffered a massive drop of 23 to 5 Home Runs from 2004 to 2005. He MAY hit a little better moving to Fenway, but he's still a god damn out machine.
Still, we need defense, and according to UZR he was the best damn defensiev SS 2004. So at least he's good defensively. We need a little of that after the traumatic experience of 2005. If he doens't cost too much i could live with it, but there's gotta be a non out-machineesque shortstop out there.
(Oh, this deal is contingent on Cleveland getting Michaels from Philly for RELIEVERS, so there's plenty of snark potential/Ed Wade Middle Relief/Ugie Urbina stabbing jokes)
Here's what I said about Crisp:
Coco Crisp would make me very happy. From all accounts, the man put up a +47 UZR at LF last year, and was originally a CF when he started out. (Apparently they moved him to LF because they like Sizemore at CF better). He can hit, and has decent power. His walkrate isn't as good as I'd like it to be, but he can hit doubles.
Here's Coco Crisp's numbers from the last couple of seasons:
Not exactly a terrific discipline guy (a BA heavy OBP), but his SLG is pretty good, and his EXB numbers are fantastic. He also has excellent speed on the basepaths. Oh, Jacob's was a pitcher's park.
I stand by that assesment. Also... wrt to that last poing with moving from Jacobs to Fenway...
From Therapy...
And here's much happier news. SG has superimposed Coco's home hit chart on Fenway's confines. By my count, that's 12 2B and 9 FO turned into HR. We're talking a 360/550 line for him. (Obviously, there are numerous other factors to consider.)
That's not bad news.
I really couldn't give a rats ass about Guillermo Mota. Totally crude analysis btw... but I think he's cooked.
2002: 60.7 - 91 *ERA+
2003: 105 - 204 *ERA+
2004: 63 (LA)- 193 *ERA+
33.7 (FLA) - 85 *ERA+
2005: 67 - 85 *ERA+
I know this is ridiculously bad analysis. I haven't even looked at his peripherals, GB/FB rate, or ANYTHING along those lines (I'm not at home... i'm on somebody else's computer, when I get back I'll at least take a more detailed look)...
but c'mon... that 2003 + 2004 workload, combined with a 2005 collapse (AFTER moving to Florida? Chavez Ravine was good for pitchers. Marlin Stadium is damn good for pitchers)?
So I really don't give a shit about him.
I'm still upset about giving up Marte though. I mean, he COULD be krap (Atlanta did trade him, and anybody Schulerholtz trades automatically becomes krap), but he's probably the best bat in the Red Sox system, and it would be a shame to lose him.
Also, this probably means that Kevin Youkilis will definitely start at one of the corner IF spots, and hit at the bottom of the order. I actually don't care where he hits in the order, but as long as he gets 500 ABs (and gets near a .376 OBP which is his career MLB OBP) I will be happy. Crisp/Loretta at the top of the order should get on base and score runs.
Also, We might sign Alex Gonzalez to play SS
His career OBP is .291. In other words, he's a bloody out machine. His career slg is .391, which means he has a little pop, but suffered a massive drop of 23 to 5 Home Runs from 2004 to 2005. He MAY hit a little better moving to Fenway, but he's still a god damn out machine.
Still, we need defense, and according to UZR he was the best damn defensiev SS 2004. So at least he's good defensively. We need a little of that after the traumatic experience of 2005. If he doens't cost too much i could live with it, but there's gotta be a non out-machineesque shortstop out there.
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Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
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