Julian Taverez needs a Shiny New Hat
Sox sign Julian Tavarez to a 2 year deal
He doesn't suck
Julian Tavarez is not a bad bullpen pitcher. 3.X milion is not small change, but that's Mike Timlin range, and he gives you Mike Timlin innings, plus he's only 32,
which means he's less likely to collapse.
Tavarez has got good peripherals, except his homer-happiness last year. He's had a very productive last 3 years in St. Louis, and hopefully he can keep his hat clean and contribute here. He can give you quality 65 innings in a season, and the Sox need that with the bullpen mess we've got.
Money is now officially worthless/
He doesn't suck
Julian Tavarez is not a bad bullpen pitcher. 3.X milion is not small change, but that's Mike Timlin range, and he gives you Mike Timlin innings, plus he's only 32,
which means he's less likely to collapse.
Tavarez has got good peripherals, except his homer-happiness last year. He's had a very productive last 3 years in St. Louis, and hopefully he can keep his hat clean and contribute here. He can give you quality 65 innings in a season, and the Sox need that with the bullpen mess we've got.
Money is now officially worthless/
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Anonymous, at 9:54 AM
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