My Roommate has a MICHAEL BOLTON CD
I hope I don't get raped at night or something.
All I know now is that I have to be heterosexual for the both of us, which means I have to be TWICE as manly as I am now, and forego all activities that could POSSIBLY be feminine.
Can't watch chick flicks because I think the chick in it is hot, too ambiguous.
Can't drink Fanta, may be construed as non-heterosexual
Can't listen to my Alanis Morrissette CD's
Thanks a lot
I'm definitely hurting the next cute furry defenseless animal I see.
I also need to run out and buy a gun. Something with a large calibre round and a long barrel.
All I know now is that I have to be heterosexual for the both of us, which means I have to be TWICE as manly as I am now, and forego all activities that could POSSIBLY be feminine.
Can't watch chick flicks because I think the chick in it is hot, too ambiguous.
Can't drink Fanta, may be construed as non-heterosexual
Can't listen to my Alanis Morrissette CD's
Thanks a lot
I'm definitely hurting the next cute furry defenseless animal I see.
I also need to run out and buy a gun. Something with a large calibre round and a long barrel.
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Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
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